Sausage party steam game genital joustingsteam game

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I can’t go into much more detail without getting into spoiler territory, but just know I find some of the story to be problematic.

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The events after the assault, however, make me uncomfortable as its quickly swept under the rug as if it isn’t a big deal.

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That said, there is a moment in story mode that I interpreted as a character sexually assaulting another, which while shocking I felt fit the narrative quite well. You’re asking for consent when starting a multiplayer game, and in the story mode, you can’t forcefully insert yourself in others. I think it is important to say that Genital Jousting does a great job of tackling consent. Easily the most well-written cautionary tale on the subject I’ve ever seen in a video game, which will surely make Genital Jousting controversial for other reasons than the obvious. It quickly becomes a tale of John’s toxic masculinity and everything that comes along with it, from how he treats and acts around other men, to how he objectifies women, and lashes out when he doesn’t get his way.

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None of the story mode’s gameplay is all that hard, much like John, but many will surely find the narrative difficult to swallow.

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