Manx casino sites

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I reckon I lost about £4k to £5k over the space of 6 months which I managed to pay back by selling my car, my mountain bike and some shares I had been given as a 21st birthday present. £20k to £25k seems to be the ball park figure that credit card companies will let you get into before pulling the credit plug. He actually tried to hide it from his wife! That seems to be the figure that you always hear about too. I know of a bloke who got himself into £20k credit card debts purely from chasing losses in an online casino. I heard in the news recently that America was banning them and I, as an ex user, can completely understand why. There was a real trend to the way in which I danced with the demon of gambling and I wanted to hear of any other similar stories. With hindsight I think I was quite lucky that I managed to escape with my shirt on my back, and it was only after some serious sense talking from a good friend that I kicked the habit and walked away having learnt a valuable and costly lesson. Two years ago I had a real addiction to one in particular (don't want to advertise for them, but it was run by Damon Hill's brother William) and lost lots of money (which luckily didn't quite extend beyond the fringes of what I could afford).

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As a newcomer to MF but a regular reader, I appreciate I could be covering a topic that has been poked before, but does anybody have any experiences of these casino's?

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